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What does Stefan's sudden visions mean, which haunt him again and again since he first met Anna in Vienna? What is the connection between this mysterious medallion he inherited from his father? Can it really be that a long-forgotten ship threatens to destroy this great love on purpose? Stefan takes up the fight and goes on a dangerous search for answers to the events of the " Viribus Unitis" at the time of the First World War. Kriegsmarine, the " Viribus Unitis", with its tragic fate in the early morning of November 1, 1918. In contrast, the real and historically documented history of the flagship of the k.u.k. A passionate love story between an Austrian and an Italian on one side. Viktor Hatwagner ( Wilkie provided artwork of the Viribus Unitis to Viktor Hatwagner for the book as shown to the left. "Death at dawn" documents the demise of SMS " Szent István", the climax and at the same time dramatic ending point in the battle between the former allies Italy and Austria-Hungary in the First World War. The corporal and his machine crew in the boiler room manage to keep the ship afloat for nearly three hours, so that most of the crew can escape. Another man becomes a hero on the sinking ship: Franz Dueller. The successful shooter is Luigi Rizzo and has since been a national hero in Italy. The " Szent István" - a giant warship equipped with triple turrets, erected in the Hungarian war harbor of Fiume with a construction cost of half a billion Austro-Hungarian crowns. Kreigsmarine perishes when hit by two torpedoes from the Italian motorboat MAS-15. The most advanced battleship of the K.u.K. June 10, 1918: SMS " Szent István" sinks in the Adriatic Sea.

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Maria Magdalena Koller Produced by Heinrich Mayer (Interspot Films)

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